Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I have stolen this....

I have stolen this blog while steve plays with his pikachu. I feel I sould post something reavealing and embarising in order to make this theft truely worthwile....

Three little known facts about steve:
1: Has the hairiest feet known to man
2: Owns more gundam toys than any sane person over 15 should
3: Listens to britney spears in the nude.



Blogger Steve said...

Since I have obviously been misrepresented, I feel the need to set the record straight:

- Pikachu is the best character in Smash Bros. He'll fry your ass for looking at him sideways, bee-yotch.

- Having hairy feet is a badge of pride for me.

- I began my Gundam collection (modestly) when I was 14. finally getting a source of income caused that collection to increase exponentially in my later teens. And Gundam rocks.

-Britney Spears sounds better in the nude.

I'd also like to encourage proper spelling within this blog. The poster was an art major, so I know I can't expect much, but the program has a spell checker for crying out loud.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006 10:18:00 a.m.  

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