Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Wicked Weekend Part II

Have you ever imagined yourself as a spy, a secret agent, or a super elite night commando? Of course you have! Well one night 2 weekends ago the Jeff's, Steve, and myself dared to live the dream (or at least a half-assed version of it)!Minus the killing, secret government or military objectives, and night vision goggels of course. There was a real sense of danger and excitment though. The other 3 wore camoe pants and I was dressed completly in black! The super secret goal of this mission (which I can now divulge) was of up most importance. It was operation stake out porno mans house!

For anyone who doesn't know who porno man is, he is this dude who lives near the 7 -11 near Jeff S's house and has porno all over his room. He tends to leave his window open and for some reason, we all decided it would be a good idea to track his movements and test out our stealth skills at the same time.

The mission took place from around 3 - 5 am Sunday morning and was pretty intense. We even had two way radios thanks to Ashley! We were divided into 2 teams of 2 each. Jeff S and Steve were our tatics team and me and Jeff D were recon since I had the binoculars (I felt like Sam Fisher from Tom Clancey's Splinter Cell!)

We managed to avoid detection by anyone except the 7-11 staff but unfortunatley porno man didn't seem to be around that night. We soon realized that it didn't matter though because we encountered another group hanging around in the park! For awhile the teams were seperated and me and Jeff D were almost detected! Luckily we were invisible in the grass and remained completly motionless. Had our positions been compromised, me and Jeff would have had to "deal" with the 3 drunken punks! But fortunatley for them, it didn't come to that and no blood was spilled.

It was a great adventure. You would have had to be there to truly appreciate the tense yet comical atmosphere of the night.

We have some great pictures too. Hopefully Jeff S will get around to posting them some day so we can all enjoy!

Monday, July 24, 2006

Wicked Weekend

Hello friends. For once I have decided to post something that isn’t entirely about me. That’s right; for the first time ever, I’m going to be selfless! Okay, maybe selfless is a bit much. Lets try less self-centered.

I’m going to re-tell the story of this weekend for those who were not there. If anything, this story will prove that our group is unique because we can have horribly drunk fun without the alcohol. I’m really not sure how this is possible, but we even seem to have fun in potentially disappointing or pathetic situations. You would think that we would get sick of each other when spending an average of about 10 hours at a time together, at least I don’t…

Anyway, the evening started at about 4pm when Steve picked me up from my house. Steve, Jeff, and myself headed to blockbuster and rented The Art of War starring Wesley Snipes (not bad), Some movie about a fat butcher who knows martial arts (didn’t watch it but presumably very bad), and Out for a Kill starring the under whelming Steven Segal (very, very bad!) It was so bad that even we got tired of it and turned it off half way in. To put this in perspective; we have sat through just about every Chuck Norris movie there is! So if we think a movie is bad, it sets a new benchmark. I think the movie was Jeff’s idea (Big surprise there, bah ha ha!)

After renting the movies, we headed to the other Jeff’s house well Steve and Jeff fought about directions like a married couple. Example: Jeff “Wait, Steve! You turned too early” Steve “Well how was I supposed to know that was the wrong turn, I assumed you were going to give directions Mr. Smarty Pants!” Jeff “What, you know the way, we’ve been there like a million times now!” Steve “But I’ve never driven there before Dumb Dumb.” Jeff “Well what were you doing all those times Steve?” etc… It was funny for about 30 seconds, and then it was just cramping my style. Once we got there, we switched to Jeff S’s truck and put on our custom sound track featuring the music from some amazing films such as Team America World Police, Blood Sport, and… Something Else.

Then we went bowling! It was fun because I won all of the games, but we were given one of the worst lanes they had due to renovations in the building. It was 10 pin, we each had 2 alcoholic beverages (The only ones the whole night I swear), played 2 rounds, Jeff S made a comment about by winning at bowling, I'm losing in life (Ha! He’s just jealous), and Steve almost destroyed the machine that re-sets the pins because he just couldn’t wait to make his move (A metaphor perhaps?). After all that, we decided to grab some Wendy’s and some Red Bull energy drinks for each of us before lazer quest. That was a dumb move, even for us, Red Bull and Wendy’s DO NOT MIX.

Despite the Red Bull, we played 3 Iron Man rounds (30 min sessions) and Jeff S. won every single game, as usual (Don’t worry, he’ll loss in Life) But I was just happy that he and Steve managed to beat our new arch-nemesis Ice Man. Don’t let the “cool” name deceive you. He was a greasy, middle-aged, fat bastard that liked to piss everyone off by being cheap and cowardly and think it was funny. Oh, if only he knew who he was dealing with! But yeah, it was great fun shooting people and occasionally betraying my teammates! Even though we were all soaking in sweat by the end.

We then proceeded to Jeff S’s house and watched The Art of War and half of Out for a Kill that I described earlier. However, the best part of the whole evening was our super secret, highly classified operation! But I’ve already said too much! If the other three authorize me to disclose classified information, than I’ll tell you all about it! For now all I can say is that the operation took some dramatic turns but all our secondary objectives were accomplished by 5am.

Thanks for reading, check back soon and I may have more details.

Sunday, July 16, 2006


Hey everyone, what's shaking? It's been awhile. Since I started working, I have kinda lost touch.

Anyway, I have finally added some new and entertaining posts to my blog so feel free to check it out, critize my grammer, or just awe in my greatness! TTYL.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

My new blog!

Hey everyone! Just created my first personal blog page. If you want to check it out, go to tricycle-billysblog in blog search. I’ll try to post a link back to this blog there.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Explaining Myself

Hey everyone, wasn't Lazer Quest fun last night? I had a good time, probably because we've all wanted to go there since that horrible night a couple months ago! Anyway, while talking to Jeff after we had dropped you guys off last night, it occured to me that this blog would be an excellent place to explain or attempt to justify some of my more memorable exploites from the night before. This will allow me to show you all that I am in fact a genius or at least bring some interesting insight into the mind of Billy! It is too hard and frustrating trying to explain everything I say/do to you guys at the time due to bad communication and constant interruptions, so here it goes.

First of all, to Jeff S. You will probably recall my comment while you were on the phone with girl #1, at least I think it was girl #1, you just have too many girls to keep track of these days! Anyway, when I said "my water dish is empty" I was not suggesting that I am a dog or something along those lines. I was suggesting that you had a thirsty slave in the background that you treat like a dog and lock in cage so that girl #1 would think you have big freakish control issues. Honestly, how could guys have not heard that before? I've had some of my other friends do that to me while I was on the phone several times.

Secondly, to everyone. When I said "STROKING a Cat" to Ashley, what I meant to say is that she could be like a bond villain if she were PETTING a cat. that was just a poor choice of words on my part that you all misinterpreted in your sick and twisted minds. For the record; I am OPPOSED to animal abuse.

Good luck to you at the rig Jeff and sorry I can't make it to Karaocke night Steve. Turns out I'm probably doing something with the family that night, I couldn't decide if I wanted to go anyway as you know. Don't worry though, I'll be there in spirit, meaning you will still feel awkward the whole time even without me there! This is one of my many secret abilities I will reveal over time.

Oh and Jeff S., good luck with your evil plan to decieve two of your girlfriends! If this, by some miracal, actually goes in your favor for awhile, we must proceed with ideas to introduce your friends.

Talk to you all later!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Whats up

Hey everyone, sorry I haven't been in touch lately. I got "the call" from RBC and start at the Northland branch on June.26 so I've been running around and dealing with all that preliminary stuff. Oh and Jeff D., I forgot to call you last week before you left for work, hope thats all working out for ya! I'll post more later, I know things just aren't the same without me =)

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I have stolen this....

I have stolen this blog while steve plays with his pikachu. I feel I sould post something reavealing and embarising in order to make this theft truely worthwile....

Three little known facts about steve:
1: Has the hairiest feet known to man
2: Owns more gundam toys than any sane person over 15 should
3: Listens to britney spears in the nude.


Wednesday, May 31, 2006

High Five For Inefficiency

I just realized I can get to E Blogger from work. Isn't that weird? These kinds of things are usually blocked.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

What's up?

Hey all. I finally joined your blog! Isn't it great that were all here with our super cool code names (except Jeff)!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Political Correctness for Retards

You shouldn't say "retarditude." It is more politically correct to say "differentlyableditude."