Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Wicked Weekend Part II

Have you ever imagined yourself as a spy, a secret agent, or a super elite night commando? Of course you have! Well one night 2 weekends ago the Jeff's, Steve, and myself dared to live the dream (or at least a half-assed version of it)!Minus the killing, secret government or military objectives, and night vision goggels of course. There was a real sense of danger and excitment though. The other 3 wore camoe pants and I was dressed completly in black! The super secret goal of this mission (which I can now divulge) was of up most importance. It was operation stake out porno mans house!

For anyone who doesn't know who porno man is, he is this dude who lives near the 7 -11 near Jeff S's house and has porno all over his room. He tends to leave his window open and for some reason, we all decided it would be a good idea to track his movements and test out our stealth skills at the same time.

The mission took place from around 3 - 5 am Sunday morning and was pretty intense. We even had two way radios thanks to Ashley! We were divided into 2 teams of 2 each. Jeff S and Steve were our tatics team and me and Jeff D were recon since I had the binoculars (I felt like Sam Fisher from Tom Clancey's Splinter Cell!)

We managed to avoid detection by anyone except the 7-11 staff but unfortunatley porno man didn't seem to be around that night. We soon realized that it didn't matter though because we encountered another group hanging around in the park! For awhile the teams were seperated and me and Jeff D were almost detected! Luckily we were invisible in the grass and remained completly motionless. Had our positions been compromised, me and Jeff would have had to "deal" with the 3 drunken punks! But fortunatley for them, it didn't come to that and no blood was spilled.

It was a great adventure. You would have had to be there to truly appreciate the tense yet comical atmosphere of the night.

We have some great pictures too. Hopefully Jeff S will get around to posting them some day so we can all enjoy!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I demand more bloggage! Jackasses!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006 8:43:00 a.m.  
Blogger Tricycle said...

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Thursday, August 17, 2006 12:09:00 a.m.  
Blogger Tricycle said...

"Anonymous" must be Ashley or Amanda I figure.

We will post more stuff when we have something interesting to say. We have to get together during the weekend and do stupid things to get the ball rolling. So rest easy anonymous, more will come soon!

I must say, it is good to know that there is a demand for our blog now =) It brings a tear to my eye!

Thursday, August 17, 2006 12:11:00 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the love of God! Stop accusing me of writing anonymous posts! I didn't write anything on McLellan's (Connie denies it as well, which blows my theory)-- and if I wanted to demand more bloggage and call you jackasses-- I wouldn't do it under the guise of "anonymous"! Jackasses!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006 8:41:00 a.m.  

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