Sunday, June 18, 2006

My new blog!

Hey everyone! Just created my first personal blog page. If you want to check it out, go to tricycle-billysblog in blog search. I’ll try to post a link back to this blog there.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Explaining Myself

Hey everyone, wasn't Lazer Quest fun last night? I had a good time, probably because we've all wanted to go there since that horrible night a couple months ago! Anyway, while talking to Jeff after we had dropped you guys off last night, it occured to me that this blog would be an excellent place to explain or attempt to justify some of my more memorable exploites from the night before. This will allow me to show you all that I am in fact a genius or at least bring some interesting insight into the mind of Billy! It is too hard and frustrating trying to explain everything I say/do to you guys at the time due to bad communication and constant interruptions, so here it goes.

First of all, to Jeff S. You will probably recall my comment while you were on the phone with girl #1, at least I think it was girl #1, you just have too many girls to keep track of these days! Anyway, when I said "my water dish is empty" I was not suggesting that I am a dog or something along those lines. I was suggesting that you had a thirsty slave in the background that you treat like a dog and lock in cage so that girl #1 would think you have big freakish control issues. Honestly, how could guys have not heard that before? I've had some of my other friends do that to me while I was on the phone several times.

Secondly, to everyone. When I said "STROKING a Cat" to Ashley, what I meant to say is that she could be like a bond villain if she were PETTING a cat. that was just a poor choice of words on my part that you all misinterpreted in your sick and twisted minds. For the record; I am OPPOSED to animal abuse.

Good luck to you at the rig Jeff and sorry I can't make it to Karaocke night Steve. Turns out I'm probably doing something with the family that night, I couldn't decide if I wanted to go anyway as you know. Don't worry though, I'll be there in spirit, meaning you will still feel awkward the whole time even without me there! This is one of my many secret abilities I will reveal over time.

Oh and Jeff S., good luck with your evil plan to decieve two of your girlfriends! If this, by some miracal, actually goes in your favor for awhile, we must proceed with ideas to introduce your friends.

Talk to you all later!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Whats up

Hey everyone, sorry I haven't been in touch lately. I got "the call" from RBC and start at the Northland branch on June.26 so I've been running around and dealing with all that preliminary stuff. Oh and Jeff D., I forgot to call you last week before you left for work, hope thats all working out for ya! I'll post more later, I know things just aren't the same without me =)

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I have stolen this....

I have stolen this blog while steve plays with his pikachu. I feel I sould post something reavealing and embarising in order to make this theft truely worthwile....

Three little known facts about steve:
1: Has the hairiest feet known to man
2: Owns more gundam toys than any sane person over 15 should
3: Listens to britney spears in the nude.
